
Disease is a disorder of body system caused in human beings and animals through bacteria,infection or any fault in process of body functioning.


Malaria is said to be the most dangerous disease of the world, each year through out the world more than 8 Lakh people die because of malaria.Malaria is a disease caused by female mosquitoes. When a human being has been bitten by a infected mosquito they spread a parasite in our body known as the Plasmodium parasite because of this the body experiences the symptoms of malaria.

Symptoms of Malaria:

Signs and symptoms of malaria occurs mostly after 8-10 days later.So lets see what are the symptoms of malaria are:


5.Body pain
7.Colour of urine turns yellow
8.Low blood pressure
9.Can't taste food

Preventions for malaria:

If the patient is not cured immediately or not getting proper treatment then it can be very fatal. So to avoid such things the preventions of malaria are as follows:- The most improtant prevention of malaria is that the patient should not get bitten by mosquitoes the patient should apply mosquito repelant cream whenever he/she will be going out while sleeping at night mosquito nets should be putten on.Always take the medicines on time,the patient should be treated very well without any carelessness.The patient should be given fresh hot food.


The main source of diarrhea is drinking contaminated water or constantly eating contaminated food for more than 3-4 days which leads to food poisoning at last the result of it is watery stools ie(watery poop).Diarrhea may not lasts for few days only but if it last for more than a week then he/she have to experience to symptoms of diarrhea.The main virus that causes diarrhea is the Rotavirus.

Symptoms of Diarrhea:

If the person is feeling stomachache and watery stools are coming out for more than a week then it can be dangerous so lets see what are the symptoms of diarrhea


3.Repeated Vomiting
6.Can't drink water
7.Watery faeces
8.Urgency to toilet

Preventions for diarrhea:

If the patient is not cured immediately or not getting proper treatment then it can get serious. So to avoid such things the preventions of diarrhea are as follows:- Always drink plenty of boiled water because of this the body will be hydrated,always wash your hands before eating and after toilet,try to eat fresh warm food,do not eat any products related to diary(milk,butter,cheese,yogurt,etc),always wash vegetables and fruits before eating,try not to eat raw food.


Cholera is a disease caused by eating contaminated water and food.Cholera is caused by a virus known called as Vibrio Cholerae, this virus is usually found in contaminated food and water.The main sources of cholera are as follows:-
1.The vegetables that are grown with contaminated and garbage water.
2.The soft drinks and the lemonades sold in street.
and so on.

So lets see what are the symptoms of cholera

Symptoms of Cholera:

When a person consumes such food and water the virus present in it releases a toxic substance in the intestines which makes the person experience symptoms of cholera so here are the symptoms of cholera:


1.Cramps in muscles
2.Skin gets losed that means the skin loses its tightness
3.Low blood pressure
4.lackness of tears
7.Skin gets dried
9.Mostly tired

Preventions for cholera:

In cholera the quantity of water in body gets decreased so to avoid more lossage of water the patient should be given boiled hot water avoid drinking cold water,don't eat sea foods especially fishes.After using toilet and before eating food thoroughly wash hands with soap or with a sanitizer.Avoid eating cold food always eat fresh homemade food and try to eat food less at outdoors.


Dengue is a another disease caused by mosquitoes.Dengue is also known as Dengue fever that is caused by the virus known as the dengue virus.

Symptoms of Dengue:

Symptoms of dengue usually appears after 2 weeks later so lets see what are the common symptoms of dengue fever:


1.Pain in eyes
2.Muscle and joint pain
3.Itching and rashes all over the body
8.Bleeding in gums and nose.

Preventions for dengue:

Dengue virus is mostly active in day and afternoon times,always try to avoid the storage of contaminated water,the patient should always be given boiled water,try not to wear dark clothes because it may attract the mosquitoes and while sleeping put on the mosquito net.