The Science Behind MRI's.

Magnetic resonance imaging also known as MRI is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body in both health and disease.

The technology and invention of MRI is regarded as one of the greatest provess in the field of medical science.

Let's see the science behind MRI's.

The science behind MRI is widely related to Magnetism, or rather say Electromagnetism.Electric current produces magnetic field.It can also produce magnetic field for weak current.
Ion current .i.e. very weak current that passes through the nerve cells in our body produces a magnetic field. If we touch something or some random object,our nerves carry electrical impulses to the muscles that we need to use.So this elecrical impulses generate magnetic field in our body.

Heart and Brain are two organs in the human body where significant magnetic fields can be produced.So this forms the basis of obtaining the images of the heart,brain and other different parts of the body.And this is done by the technique of Magnetic Resonance Imaging or the MRI.

Now MRI's are basically images which help the doctor's to analyse and diagnose the disorders of the heart,brain and other parts of the body.

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Who invented MRI ...

ray Raymond Vahan Damadian was an american physician,medical practitioner and the inventor of the magnetic resonance scanning machine.He was the first to scan an diagnose cancer in the human body in the year 1977.For a safe scan of the human body,Damadian invented an apparatus and a method to use NMR .i.e. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in a safe and a non-risky way and thereby have an accurate scan of the entire body.

The technology introduced by Raymond Damadian in 1977 is now popularly known as the MRI.

Benefits of MRI.

1.MRI can provide clear images of different joints,organs and other parts of the body for suitable diagnoses.

2.MRI can differentiate better between soft muscles,tissues,fats,water and other muscles which is not quiet the case with Computed Tomography (CT) scan.

3.These images provide better analyses to the physicians to diagnose various heath related issues and diseases.

Disadvantages of MRI.

1.Due to the strong magnetic field of the MRI scanning machine,it tends to attract iron articles like keys or other medical instruements which causes damage to the scanning machine and is also harmful to the patient at times.

2.MRI scannings produce/generate large amounts of heat in the body due to the radiofrequency energy used during this process.The body heat increases gradually with longer MRI examinations.

3.The changing magnetic field of the device from time to time creates some cranky loud sounds which might affect the hearing efficiency of the people.

So these were some scientific views from Biotech on this iconic invention.

Author: Chinmay Karmokar

Chinmay is a competeting & enthusiastic person. Striving to become a future entrepreneur,he eyes first success through Biotech.